Sunday 1 March 2009

Shooting my film

The filming to my film's opening title sequence when very well.
I got all of the footage that I need within 2 afternoons of filming.
I would have manage to shoot it all in one day, but I left it too long in the first afternoon that it began to get quite dark outside, and I was using the sun as the lighting in my film.

Day one of filming...
In the first day of filming I shot all of the shots that involved the fake blood, I thought that getting all of these shot done first would be more practical because these would take a lot more time and preparation than the others. The shooting took quite a lot longer than I had intended it to, because I shot many of the shots several times to make sure that I had enough footage if some the footage didn't look as good as I had hope. This taking so long meant that I had to shoot the rest of the shots the next day.

Day two of filming...
In my second day of shooting I got the rest of the footage that I need for my title sequence, in the second day I shot all of the footage of david's bedroom and of the houses. I managed to shot all of these shots a lot faster than the ones from the day before, as these shots did not take as much time to preprate and tidy away, and also I didn't have to take a lot of time redoing thing such as the fake blood.
The shot that took the longest to get right, and that I had to film a lot of times was the shot of the fish, I need the fish to swim in and out of the shot, but obviously you can not make a fish take instructions so I had to film a lot of the fish and wait until the fish did what I wanted it to.

Overall I feel that my shooting went very well, I got all of the shots that I needed and did it quite quickly and easily!

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