Monday 2 March 2009

Invoice Audit

The things that people invoiced me for when they helped me have shown me that the main technical skills that I need to work on are;
- Photoshop
- After effects
- Garageband
I am not very good on how to use these programs, I can do the basics but when it comes to more complexed things I have to ask for a lot of help which is why I have more people invoice me that the amount of times I invoice other people. For my next project I will need to get more confident in using photoshop, garageband and after effects.

I have only use the invoices with six different people, three people invoiced me and I invoiced three people. During my next project I am going to try and invoice a lot more people and be invoiced a lot more. In my next project I am going to try and not just use the invoice system with more people than; matt mike, philippa, dave, alex and kirk.

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