Saturday 7 March 2009

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Since the continuity editing task I have learnt a lot about filming and editing.
Using the skills I learnt from doing the continuity task it help me a lot when filming and editing my film opening sequence, it help me in particular when filming and editing a shot from my sequence that begins with a sho
t of the murderer holding a knife from the side, then cuts to a shot of she holding the knife from a different angle. When filming I almost made a continuity error and had the girl hold the knife differently in the second shot, but thanks to what I le
arnt in the preliminary task I manage to correct the mistake before filming it.
That shot was the only shot that needed the skills I learnt from the continuity task, because it was the only shot that needed 'match on action' the rest of my shot are a montage of different zoom-in, zoom-out and pan shots that do not fit together with 'match on action'. There is also no shots that involve breaking other filming rules that we learnt in the continuity task, like 180 degree rule.

Monday 2 March 2009

Invoice Audit

The things that people invoiced me for when they helped me have shown me that the main technical skills that I need to work on are;
- Photoshop
- After effects
- Garageband
I am not very good on how to use these programs, I can do the basics but when it comes to more complexed things I have to ask for a lot of help which is why I have more people invoice me that the amount of times I invoice other people. For my next project I will need to get more confident in using photoshop, garageband and after effects.

I have only use the invoices with six different people, three people invoiced me and I invoiced three people. During my next project I am going to try and invoice a lot more people and be invoiced a lot more. In my next project I am going to try and not just use the invoice system with more people than; matt mike, philippa, dave, alex and kirk.

Information Clouds

People I have helped

People that helped me

Although there are only three people in each box, what I have noticed from doing this task is that I did not help any of the same people that helped me. I also received more people than I gave out. I organised these box as though the names are on a sort of podium, the best comments and advice are in the middle at the top, the next best is lower down at the right and the least good comments and advice are lowest down on the left.

Sunday 1 March 2009


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)
My film opening in many ways has stuck to conventional opening title sequences; it shows the difference between the two characters and gives you detail about what the rest of the film involves without giving away the total plot of the film. Although like many other film opening is does not introduce the audience to any characters. My film opening is a thriller film, but it does not involve the type of music that you would expect to be in a thrillers opening title sequence, it uses music that in a way can be seen as happy.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My film opening in a way represents the social groups of teenagers, although the film is about a murderer, it is also about a teenage boy who falls in love with a girl and doesn't really know what to do about his feelings, a struggles with that fact that she does not have feelings for him.
This film is mainly based for a teenage audience, but also may appeal to some adult audience.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Companies that would be interested in a thriller based for teenage - adult audiences, that is farely low budget.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
teenagers and possibly some adults.

How did you attract/address your audience?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have learnt a lot about how a film opening is construted and what they must involved to be; interesting, let the audience know something about what the film will involve but not to much information that they can guess the rest of the film. Also I have learnt how to make an opening title sequence not look like a movie trailer.

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
I have learnt a lot since we shot the continuity task, in the continuity task we made quite a few errors of continuity. But in shooting my film opening I had learnt that I did not make the same mistakes. There was one part of my film opening that I was shooting that there is a shot of the girl holding the knife in her right hand and when I shot the next shot of her holding the knife, I nearly made the mistake of her holding the knife in her left hand but through using my knowledge from the continuity task I realised it before filming a shot with continuity errors. The continuity help me in many was when making my film opening as it taught me a lot about error that are easily made in filming.

Shooting my film

The filming to my film's opening title sequence when very well.
I got all of the footage that I need within 2 afternoons of filming.
I would have manage to shoot it all in one day, but I left it too long in the first afternoon that it began to get quite dark outside, and I was using the sun as the lighting in my film.

Day one of filming...
In the first day of filming I shot all of the shots that involved the fake blood, I thought that getting all of these shot done first would be more practical because these would take a lot more time and preparation than the others. The shooting took quite a lot longer than I had intended it to, because I shot many of the shots several times to make sure that I had enough footage if some the footage didn't look as good as I had hope. This taking so long meant that I had to shoot the rest of the shots the next day.

Day two of filming...
In my second day of shooting I got the rest of the footage that I need for my title sequence, in the second day I shot all of the footage of david's bedroom and of the houses. I managed to shot all of these shots a lot faster than the ones from the day before, as these shots did not take as much time to preprate and tidy away, and also I didn't have to take a lot of time redoing thing such as the fake blood.
The shot that took the longest to get right, and that I had to film a lot of times was the shot of the fish, I need the fish to swim in and out of the shot, but obviously you can not make a fish take instructions so I had to film a lot of the fish and wait until the fish did what I wanted it to.

Overall I feel that my shooting went very well, I got all of the shots that I needed and did it quite quickly and easily!