Wednesday 21 January 2009

Comparative Analysis - Brief 3


Son of Rambow and Rushmore have two very different types of opening sequences, although both films are based around the theme of young protagonist.

The opening sequence to Son of Rambow is very fast paced, therefore this immediately gives the audience the sense that it is an up-beat film with quite a lot of action. The opening sequence is also used to show the differences between both boys in the film; one of the boys seems very shy and religious, the other is illegally filming in a cinema and smoking, this indicates that the boys are complete opposites. Another thing that makes this opening sequence more action filled is the fact that the film that the boy is recording in the cinema, this could possibly have some significants to the duration of the film.

Rushmore's opening sequence is the complete opposite to Son of Rambow, it is a lot slower tempo and does not have hardly any action. Instead of a lot of quick cuts and several settings, this has only one location and not a lot of shot variations. This opening sequence also has no music which makes it appear less intense than Son of Rambow. During the beginning of this sequence it shows the young protagonist to be a very brainy and intellectual student, but then you find out that it was just a dream, this makes the audience want to continue watching to find out why he had this dream and if he is actually as smart as he appears to be in his dream.

Although both of the opening title sequences seem to be quite different, they both show a lot of similarities; both show the differences between two characters, Son of Rambow being the difference between both boys and Rushmore shows the difference between the boy in his dream and in real life. Another similarity is that neither of these opening title sequence have titles showing the names of the actors, directors etc. they both just show the names of the companies who made the films.


-Touchstone Pictures
-An American Imperical Picture

-Paramount Vantage
-Celluloid Dreams Productions
-Arte France Cinema
-Network Movie
-Soficinema 2 & 3
-Hammer & Tongs Film

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