Tuesday 21 April 2009

Who would be the audience for your media product?


'Thought that the sound went really with the footage and I don't think any of that needs changing.'

'Nice shots, some held for to long - shorten, music works well.'

'Title were well placed in the shot, but perhaps too bland, needs more interesting font.'

'Work on fonts and maybe text animation.'

The range of shots is good and they establish the scene well. The close ups are good.'

'Good cuts between shots, a bit jumpy - needs transiting, shot at the end is a bit long.'

'The scenes overall don't need editing as they are very good.'

'Good use of shot distance, zoom confusing, varied use of close/med/long etc.'

'Shots work work, like the way it zooms out of the window, get a good idea of the criteria of the film, maybe some characters, smooth movement.'

'Alot of thought put into editing, kept each shot in proportion and their timing, the 'title' was to long.'

'Happy music doesn't seem to fit to the sequence, possibly needs some more sound effects.'
'Good choice of location , houses/costume is good and fake blood/knife good for props.'

'Good use of significant objects, blood looks real.'

'Good intro, kitchen is a good scene, works well with all the blood.'

'Does it need music throughout? what effect are you trying to creative with the choice of music?'

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